014 080's Commercials Volume 014

2 months ago

Here are some kid-oriented commercials that aired on KBHK TV 44 and ABC around March of 1988.

1. Frosted Flakes (With Jerry O'Connell)
2. Lucky Charms
3. "Cops" Action Figures (These toys are freakishly awesome!)
4. Transformers Classic Pretenders (Me Grimlock, Attack!!!)
5. Promo for "Cops" (This show looks awesomely bad!)
6. Tyco R/C Cars
7. Alpha Bits (That little girl making the fire engine noise will haunt me forever)
8. Lucky Charms (Ooga Mega Leega Deega!)
9. Skip Stik (It's a stick with rope!)
10. Entertech Blasters (Is that Lucas Barton from "The Wizard" at 4:08?)
11. $1000 Toys "R" Us Great Toy Giveaway
12. Keypers (Keeping things secret from annoying little brothers since 1987)
13. 976 Number (The Spring Bunny?)
14. Cocoa Pebbles (Why can't he just buy his own cereal?)
15. TV spot for "The Fox and the Hound"
16. "Joking Around with the Little Clowns" (Moses will love that joke!)
17. Smooshees (Okay, the girl at 7:40 is just insane)
18. Tootsie Roll Pop Commercial (Awesome, classic, amazing commercial)
19. Flintstone Kids Buckle Up PSA (Yabba Dabba Buckle Up!)
20. More of "The Real Ghostbusters" coming up...
21. Cap'n Crunch (What are the Soggies exactly? Ghosts?)

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