Stress to Serenity: How Psychoneuroimmunology & the Placebo Effect Can Change Your Life | Ep 90

2 months ago

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RP - Chronic Pain 2 -
RP - Narcissism -

Dr. Joe Dispenza - You Are The Placebo -

Dr John Sarno - The Mindbody Prescription -

Healing Back Pain -

Fantasy Bond –

All The Rage-

Allen Carr - Easy Way To Stop Smoking -

Polyvagal Theory -

James Nestor -

Dr. Ramani -

00:00:00 RP - Step 7 Intro
00:03:30 What is the key to health and longevity?
00:06:04 What don’t we do the things that we know promote health and longevity?
00:08:04 Pharmaceutical drugs, they need to go through extensive testing and prove that they work before they are approved
00:13:03 What is the placebo effect/ how it was discovered?
00:15:54 Have you heard of the nocebo effect?
00:18:00 The ‘anticebo’ effect
00:27:43 Let’s talk about the leading causes of death
00:30:17 Elwin’s personal experience with pain
00:35:40 Elwin’s big breakthrough (Dr. John Sarno/ Psychoneuroimmunology)
00:50:39 Is the pain distracting you from the emotion or bring attention and your awareness to it so you can move beyond it?
00:52:26 There was only one other book that I read that after reading it heals you
00:54:58 Psychoneuroimmunology: Your immune system and the leading causes of death
01:02:19 This is the number one reason that causes your immune system not to function properly
01:04:00 The power of our own minds/ Why do we do things that we know are unhealthy and don’t do the things that are healthy
01:09:12 Polyvagal theory - 3 sides to the nervous system
01:14:48 Sleep what keeps you awake at night? Fresh Air and Sunshine, do we feel safe?
01:18:08 Smoking/ Drinking/ Drugs - why do we do these things if we know they are bad
01:19:34 Practical Advice #1 Don't automatically assume that all physical problems have purely physical causes.
01:21:36 #2 Prioritizing your emotional health
01:22:46 #3 Become aware of your emotions
01:24:23 #4 Take back your power by taking responsibility for those feelings.
01:28:41 #5 Practice the art of awareness and staying conscious
01:31:56 #6 Breathing practices
01:33:55 #7 Honesty and trust
01:36:44 #8 Get toxic relationship dynamics out of your life
01:45:41 The difference between traits and a full on personality disorder
01:49:02 Psychopaths and narcissists are always toxic
01:57:46 We develop these strategies because there is something that is unbearable to admit
02:03:54 Give your system a break/ chronic exposure puts you in a stressed state
02:08:10 #9 Get help
02:10:51 #10 Learn to love your life, your actual life moment to moment
02:16:03 Fear move away, safe move towards: Emotions and your neurochemicals (cortisol, serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, endocannabinoids, oxytocin, GABA)
02:27:29 Focus on this to heal yourself

The Rejuvenate podcast is dedicated to looking at the real root causes of premature aging, and what we can do to 'turn back the clock' and feel younger and healthier again. Each episode will focus on a different area of health.

This channel does not contain medical advice. I am NOT a doctor. The contents of this channel, such as videos, text, graphics, images and other material are intended for entertainment, informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. The contents of this channel are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Consult your physician for medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard in a video. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. A qualified physician should make a decision on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.

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