Let's Continue To Talk About Jesus | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

2 months ago

The Lord said, “they (the Church) must know who I am for the little bit of time that they will be here. In this time that is in front of them that could be treacherous, they need to know who I Am, they need to know in depth who I Am”. The Word of God reveals Him as the one who resigned the Throne and He resigned the Crown of Heaven for you and me. He exchanged the radiant robe of a Sovereign King for the garment of a servant by choice, not forced by any means, to come down to be like us, yet knew no sin. Yes, we are talking about Jesus who resigned everything for a crown of thorns, and knew what was going to happen to Him. We're talking about the Lord of Glory, totally dependent on the Father and the Holy Spirit, the One who knows your name and the One we are about to meet. The real question is not what we are to make of Jesus, BUT what is Jesus making of us in this enemy occupied world?

To watch the entire broadcast on Youtube https://youtu.be/QhKJ65YMeto?si=EAykP9ajprs9UMSC

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