Out of Laodicea - Part 5 - Ephesians 1_1-6

3 months ago

This is a look at Ephesians in a verse-by-verse study through the writings of Paul on living a life of faith in Christ Jesus. This episode covers Ephesians 1:1-6 After the salutation in verses 1-2, we find verses 3-6 are about the forming of the body of Christ, the past in the predestination and election of the believers, and the focus of the Father and His love for us.
Referred to in the episode:
- https://www.virtualstudywith.us/
-- https://www.virtualstudywith.us/virtual-study-topics-and-links/our-identity-in-christ-2/
-- https://www.virtualstudywith.us/being-disciples-podcast-page-3/030-who-god-says-he-is/
- https://beingdisciples.podbean.com/
-- https://beingdisciples.podbean.com/e/identity-in-christ-who-god-says-i-am/
-- https://beingdisciples.podbean.com/e/who-god-says-he-is/

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