What Everyone MISSED About The NoFugazee Scandal!

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Yet another scandal! It seems that there's a new scandal of what some sort of another these days - you know what I mean. Thus and so comes up on social media, gets a big following, lots of views and clicks and whatnot and then, inevitably - BAM, he or she has fallen from grace and begins the long slow slog back up the hill again. Some eventually do make a comeback, while others...not so much. Social media in general, and Black social media in particular, can be a pretty tough place. Everyone ain't built like that to roll with the punches and come back even harder.

Such is the case for our brother Cooley, of the No Fugazee Podcast. Mr. Cooley has made quite the name for himself of late, not only building up his own impressive following, but having made the rounds of appearances on other notable podcasts and social media influencer's platforms, including the "Tonight's Conversation" podcast hosted by Ace Metaphor. While everyone else is rightly zeroing in on Cooley's apparent contradictory behavior and actions in comparison with his fervent statements on the air, your correspondent is going to do a bit of my own zeroing in on this podcast to illustrate what everyone else missed in our examination of Mr. Cooley. What am I talking about? Come and find out on a Special Birthday Edition of Obsidian Radio, ONLY ON RUMBLE - and Archers of the world, unite!

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