Undercover Christmas - Discovering the REAL History of Jesus' Birth - Week 1 - Root Bible Academy

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Get ready to dive deep into the true story behind the Nativity! In this enlightening course, we’ll uncover the biblical truths about Christmas, peeling back traditions that have taken root over time. From Mary and Joseph's real lives to the roles of the angels, shepherds, and wise men, we'll explore the significance of each character and moment as written in the Bible.

Join us in Undercover Christmas as we uncover the original message and meaning of the birth of Christ, restoring the beauty and wonder of the greatest story ever told!

The live classes for elementary and youth are on December 2, 9, and 16, 2024 at https://www.rootbible.com/challenge-page/undercover-christmas. Use the same link to join the live preschool classes on Dec 3, 10, and 17!

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