Prophecy – Part 5 ~ The Corporate Benefits Of Prophecy

1 month ago

Prophecy – Part 5
The Corporate Benefits Of Prophecy

There are individual benefits and corporate benefits from the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself through prophecy.

There could be a whole series covering the individual benefits of having prophecy in your life. Having a prophetic word spoken over you is powerful.
Paul told Timothy, This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, (1Ti 1:18) Passion Translation – “…Use your prophecies as weapons as you wage spiritual warfare by faith…”
God gives this supernatural gift to empower us in our personal ministries.

But where I feel God wants us to focus today has to do with the corporate benefits of prophecy active in our gatherings.

Text: John 16:7-13, 1 Corinthians 14:1-5, 39-40

God gives spiritual gifts to the Church to edify the Church, knowing that people would: Mis-use them, Get it wrong sometimes. BUT, God knows the church will be edified by doing this His way.
The benefits are of far greater value than any negative aspect.

In studying prophecy in the New Testament setting, notice that when God speaks a prophetic word to a church body, it was personalized for what they needed.
We see this example in Revelation, with the individual words given to the individual churches in chapters 2-3. 2:1 “to the church of Ephesus”, 2:8 “the church in Smyrna,” etc. Each message was different based on what they needed.

When God speaks a prophetic word to Faith Chape, it is personalized because He knows what we are going through, what is in in our hearts, the encouragement we need, the direction we need.
What a powerful gift showing God’s intimacy for this body.

The prophetic word isn’t for the Missoula church, or for the Baptist church down the road, it’s for us. THAT IS A HUGE BENEFIT!

God knows our local church struggles and problems.
He knows our heartaches and imperfections.
He is actively involved in the middle of every issue.
He uses dreams, visions, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, to help us in what we are facing – from struggling marriages, wounded hearts to empowering each of us to not just exist in Seeley Lake but to THRIVE with power!
Prophecy plays an integral part of it all.

Here is Pastor Gary’s thoughts – when a body of believers embrace God’s gifts of prophecy, I think He uses prophecy in a broad way to direct His message to that body in a bunch of different ways: singing, testimonies, pastor’s messages, each other’s conversations before and after church, our shared interaction with each other.
So, every service has aspects of prophecy mixed throughout every time we gather.
“That song was just for me, that message was reading my mail, when so-and-so prayed for me, when the greeters shook my hand… etc.”

It’s that personal interaction with God for this body that gives me the confidence to stand up here Sunday after Sunday and be excited to be here.
I KNOW it’s not my winning personality, or my incredible intellect, or my skill at public speaking.
It’s that we have a big, loving, personal God that comes alongside us and in spite of our idiosyncrasies equips us for success.

I rely on Holy Spirit’s gifts to function when I’m up here preaching, speaking at a funeral, talking to kids at the HS, sitting on the school board, visiting with people at the grocery store.
It’s not me, it’s all about HIM!

I think the enemy uses the negative aspect we encounter to cause us to be guarded against the very gifts God gave us as a church body to excel.

When Jesus started telling His disciples that it was to their benefit He should go away, their reaction was “NO, that can’t be.”
I think our understanding of the benefits God intends the gifts to be to a corporate gathering can be on the same thought pattern. “God this can’t be good.”

John 16:7-13
Comforter - parakletos, = an intercessor, consoler, advocate, comforter, one who comes along side of.

Prophesy gives us His insights, and wisdom, His perspective.
God sees across time and circumstances and guides us through EVERY problem.
His prophetic voice gives direction and revelation when we become gridlocked.
He sees beyond coved, beyond the presidential election.

When we invite the Holy Spirit, He guides our reasoning and perspective to direct His church.

“God, Thank You for Your gifts! Give us Your revelation concerning prophecy.”

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