Episode 481: Lets consider how fictional religions are represented in Speculative Fiction!

3 months ago

The Blasters & Blades Podcast

We've got a deep discussion panel for you where we talk about the idea of religions in speculative fiction. We’ve got Chloe Garner, Matthew Bowman, Melissa McShane and Teri Kay Jobe on to talk nerdy with us. We talked about the intersection of Earth religions and fantasy ones. We talked about the root of why religions matter to people, and thus the characters that populate the worlds we love. This was a fun chat, go check it out! Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!!

Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy.

JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)
Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)
Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)

We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!

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Slay Bells Ring by Bayonet Books: https://www.amazon.com/Slay-Bells-Ring-Operation-Anthology-ebook/dp/B0BJ9RHC7H/

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Follow Chloe Garner on social media
Chloe’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Chloe-Garner/e/B00MD4GGLS/
Chloe’s Website: https://blenderfiction.wordpress.com/
Chloe’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlenderFiction
Chloe’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chloe.garner.79
Chloe’s Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435117423514398
Chloe’s Bookstore: https://blenderfiction.wordpress.com/verida-signed-copies/

Follow Matthew Bowman on social media
Matthew’s Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/198607
Matthew’s Website: https://novelninja.net/
Matthew’s Discord: https://discord.gg/Mat3sWemf7
What! You Again…? Anthology by Raconteur Press: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-Again-Chronicles-Anthologies-ebook/dp/B0CZSZ163C/
HFY Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/

Follow Melissa McShane on social media
Melissa’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Melissa-McShane/author/B00TON8E1Q
Melissa’s Website: www.melissamcshanewrites.com
Melissa’s Twitter: www.twitter.com/melissamcshanewrites
Melissa’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/melissamcshanewrites
Melissa’s Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mcshaneminions
Melissa's Store: http://www.nightharborpress.com/

Follow Teri Kay Jobe on social media
Teri’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Teri-Kay-Jobe/author/B0DG3TPL66
Teri’s Website: https://terikjobe.com/
Teri’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/terikjobe2013
Teri’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terikjobe/

Books we’re recommending today!
The Red Wall Series by Brian Jaques: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F7PCL6V
Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Western Civilization by Robert Garland: https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Greece-Everyday-Birthplace-Civilization/dp/1454909080/
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods Jr.: https://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Church-Built-Western-Civilization-ebook/dp/B00C0JE80W/
The Christians as the Romans Saw Them by Robert Louis Wilken: https://www.amazon.com/Christians-Romans-Saw-Them/dp/0300098391/

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