Article 5134 Video - International Public Notice: Gaza Genocide By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5134 Video - International Public Notice: Gaza Genocide - Saturday, November 30, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Tell the members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress.

Over the years, we have become deadened to the most outrageous photos. Soldiers holding the dead hands of dismembered children, for example. Oh, ho-hum.

This should not be "ho-hum", it should be a cause of deep alarm and bitter outrage, but so many of us have been so abused by news agencies flashing photos of bombs exploding and dead bodies everywhere for so many years, and by military-mercenaries shoving us into hellholes all over the Earth, that, sadly, we can no longer connect to these abstracted representations of the violence, misery, and horror.

Another Christian crucified, another Jew flayed alive, another Muslim bombed into oblivion. Ho-hum.

Doesn't anyone ever stop to think that this is our money being spent on this? That it is our sons and daughters ultimately put in harm's way, and spent on this?

So, today, we are not trying to reach your logic centers by showing you any more horrifying photos of what has been done to the Gaza Strip by Israel. There has been enough of that without response.

Instead, we are going to show you a map. The red dots represent places in Gaza that have been bombed by Israel.

This is what purposeful, brutal, profit-drive genocide --- looks like on a map.

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