Dr Soha Emam on Life, Business and Starting Over

3 months ago

1. Introduction to Dr. Soha Emam: Dr. Soha is a certified international trainer, executive coach, strategic consultant, and educator specializing in communication.

2. Early Career in Media: Dr. Soha began her career as a TV anchor in Egypt, focusing on news in English. She shares the challenges of maintaining neutrality and professionalism in the media.

3. Difficulties in Reporting: She reflects on the emotional challenges of reporting on disasters, noting how it desensitized her to human tragedy.

4. Shift to Writing and PR: After leaving TV, she transitioned into writing for newspapers and public relations, where she began focusing on press releases, speeches, and corporate communication.

5. Starting a Business in Cairo: Dr. Soha started her own company, The Evolution Company, which provided soft skills training for executives and youth. She created impactful programs like "Inspire," taking students to remote camps to learn survival skills.

6. Business Closure Due to Revolution: The Egyptian revolution forced her to close her company and relocate to Abu Dhabi, marking a new chapter in her life.

7. Life in Abu Dhabi: Dr. Soha discusses the cultural differences and her smooth transition to Abu Dhabi, emphasizing how welcoming the people were and how she adapted to the local dialect.

8. Embracing Change and Starting Over: She reflects on the transition from private business in Egypt to working in the public sector in Abu Dhabi, focusing on the importance of embracing change and continuously evolving.

9. Adapting to New Opportunities: After taking time to understand the culture and ecosystem in Abu Dhabi, she entered the government sector, which offered her a different perspective and a broader platform for growth.

10. UAE as a Melting Pot: Dr. Soha describes the UAE as a melting pot of cultures, where people from all over the world come together, and how the country maintains its rich cultural traditions amidst modern developments.

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