The December 2024 Energies & Your Spiritual Gifts ∞The 9D Arcturian Council by: Daniel Scranton

3 months ago

Daniel Scranton
Copyright © Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to give you this update on the energies that you are experiencing at the moment and the experience you will have of the energies for the month of December in the year 2024. You are gaining more access to your spiritual gifts and abilities at this time, as there is an acceleration of the ascension amongst those of you that we call The Awakened Collective. As you continue through the month of December, you will find that if you already have gifts and abilities, they will be sharpened, honed, and expanded. And for those of you who have yet to access your spiritual gifts and abilities, they will be coming to you in a myriad of miraculous ways.

You, of course, always do play a part in the receiving of the energies being offered, and so we do recommend that you make yourselves available to the December energies by quieting your mind, closing your eyes, and opening yourself up to them. Allow them in. Allow them to do what they naturally do, and allow yourself to exist in a higher-vibrational state in an effortless way. It is natural for you to be in a higher vibrational state, and energies have been coming in all year long to help you in finding your higher-vibrational state. Energies have been coming in to assist you in releasing all that would keep you from being in a higher vibrational state.

You are now being given the opportunity to fill those spaces, those voids left behind by what you have cleared with these December energies that are all about taking you on that accelerated ascension journey that you want to have. Now, of course, you are not going to ascend on your own. It will be a group experience. You will still feel somewhat tied to the collective of which you are a part. And so, you are not going to leap so far ahead of them that you become vibrationally incompatible with all others you encounter.

You are going to always be able to reach for your fellow humans and pull them up with you. This is a journey of oneness, of inclusion, of unity consciousness, and not one of separation. And so, while you have to rise above a certain level of consciousness to be ascending in this conscious way that you are, you are not meant to leave everyone else behind.

You are there as wayshowers, as helpers, as leaders, as lightworkers, and you will find that the gifts of clairvoyance, healing, channeling, and psychic and intuitive knowing are exactly what those around you need from you in order to heal, in order to forgive, in order to unburden themselves with the lower vibrational energies they have been entertaining in their consciousness. So you are accessing your gifts and abilities in order to be of greater service and to help the rest of humanity to join you on a conscious ascension journey and one that is accelerated by circumstances that are there on Earth that would naturally lead a person to want to rise above the chaos, the wars, the racism, the hatred, the bigotry, everything that you see around you that could drag you down into a pit of despair with it.

But this is the opportunity you are being given to be the light in the face of all of that so that what is light and love within each individual can be illuminated and so many more can join you on a conscious journey of ascension.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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