ALB 9. Trump’s Picks, A JFK Conference, and More

3 months ago

ALB 9. Trump’s Picks, A JFK Conference, and More
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Trump’s picks. Watching closely. Because “Every Republican president since Reagan has tried to close the Small Business Administration for the express purpose of ending all federal programs for small businesses. And that’s because the Republican Party is very closely affiliated with the military-industrial complex and Fortune 500 firms.”

“The Small Business Act mandates that 23% of all federal contracts [are supposed] go to small businesses. [But in reality, they only get 3% on average each year. That’s because] big businesses want every penny the government spends to go to them.”

The SBA is barely able to keep the lights on. Bush cut the budget. Trump cut the budget.

As of November 26, 2024, it seems Trump has nominated heads of every agency except the Small Business Administration, probably an indication of things to come, not good for the SBA or America’s small businesses. The SBA should be one of the largest agencies in the government. It represents 99% of all businesses. The Commerce Department, in Lloyd’s opinion, represents the 1%.

We must oppose any effort by Trump to close the SBA, the only agency created to help small businesses. Hopefully, Republicans won’t say, “We should close the SBA to make government more efficient.”

97% of federal contracts go to 1% of American business, the largest corporations, a violation of the law that says 23% should go to small businesses.

We the people have failed ourselves. We’re supposed to make sure our representatives administer the laws on our behalf.

Bruce read this report: My First JFK Conference (2024) by Bruce de Torres,

“Profound presentations were given at the 2024 JFK Conference by JFK Historical Group, JFK Conferences LLL, and Project JFK / CSI Dallas. I MC’ed much of it, an honor and a privilege.”

“Doug Horne of the Assassination Records Review Board, Dr. David Mantik, and Dr. Mike Chesser described how THREE shots hit Kennedy in the head. Mr. Mr. Horne also described how the Zapruder film was altered after Life Magazine purchased it but before it was handed over. The public has never seen the original version with, presumably, the limo stop, which facilitated the shooting, and perhaps two or three of the headshots distinctly seen.”

“TrineDay publisher Kris Millegan showed how the streets of Dallas, particularly Dealey Plaza, embed Masonic significance, and he described the assassination planning phone call, captured by Naval Intelligence, between Johnson, Hoover, Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller and George Herbert Walker Bush.”

“Chana Gail Willis described how her father filmed the assassination for the CIA.”

“Other presenters included Dick Russell, Ed Tatro, Judyth Vary Baker, Randy Benson, Casey Quinlan, Brian Edwards, and David Knight.”

“Dealey Plaza looks the same as it did in 1963. Every American should go, because every American should be told the truth about the Kennedy assassination. It was a coup d’etat that took power from we the people, leading us to become one nation under surveillance in a police state of shrinking freedom and increasing economic and cultural hardship.”

“My book is a great primer, GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free. It is available at and the usual sellers.”

Lloyd’s response: “I was named after my mother’s brother who was killed in World War Two. I grew up super-patriotic. I was named after an American hero. It is crushing to realize how corrupt and vile and criminal the United States government is and has been for decades.”

Bruce read half of “In The Fight Against Tyranny, Don't Let Your Happiness Depend On Big Wins” by Caitlin Johnstone,’t.

“If you stand for truth, peace and justice in this world then it’s important not to make your happiness dependent on large-scale wins.”

“Because the deck is stacked so heavily against truth, peace and justice, your side will experience far more losses than wins. You will watch powerlessly as your government backs genocides, starts wars, and unleashes nightmare after nightmare upon the global south. Your heroes will disappoint you. Your protest movements will fizzle. Your civil rights will erode, your speech will be marginalized, the wealthy and powerful will amass more wealth and power while the poor and the powerless grow ever more so.”

“I say this not as an expression of pessimism or defeatism, but because that’s simply where we’re at as a society right now. Ours is a highly controlled dystopia where minds are continuously inundated with power-serving propaganda and tyrants enact their abusive agendas without much meaningful resistance. This doesn’t mean we can’t win, it just means we can’t realistically expect many big wins in the immediate future under our current circumstances while truth has so much difficulty getting a word in edgewise.”

“You can let all the human suffering depress you and let all your failed attempts to stop it drag you down, or you can look to some other source for your happiness which isn’t dependent on securing large-scale wins for humanity.”

Then Bruce read half of “Eight Dying Presidents and the Transatlantic Regime -- the Present Danger” by Anton Chaitkin,

“Tonight, I will present the pattern from history showing that the danger of assassination comes from the transatlantic regime.”

“Let me briefly introduce the nature of the grave danger we face.”

“A transatlantic regime now controls the governments of America, Britain, most of Western Europe, the British dominions, Japan, and South Korea. The heart of the transatlantic regime is Britain’s ‘special relationship’ with the United States, which effectively nullifies the U.S. Constitution. This regime substitutes a globalist model based on the British Empire.”

“Within the transatlantic regime is an Anglo-American clique of financiers and aristocrats with international power. They are not held to account.”

“The transatlantic regime opposes national sovereignty and self-government for America and for every other country. It preaches free trade and the “rules-based order.” It dictates terms of trade and credit. It has taken down American industry. It prevents poor countries from industrializing and modernizing. It loots their raw materials. It degrades human culture and education.”

“The transatlantic regime makes war and chaos, aiming to prevent effective resistance. None of these wars or sanctions can actually win – – the constant war and disruption is itself the purpose.”

“But this transatlantic regime is losing power. It is not popular anywhere. It is losing elections wherever people have some choice. In Europe, new parties are arising and winning elections; they are dedicated to peace with Russia, national sovereignty, the rights and interests of the people under self-government.”

“Donald Trump was elected with a mandate to end the war against Russia, and to look to U.S. national interests in preference to globalist objectives.”

“If Trump overcomes the sabotage in his own party and carries out this mandate, momentum in the world will shift to the power of nations including America, and against Empire. Countries such as Russia and China will then see it in their self-interest to cooperate for everyone’s mutual security and prosperity.”

“How can the transatlantic regime prevent this dramatic change – prevent the USA from asserting its self-interest? In two ways. First, they can escalate confrontation with Russia, trying to create a situation so hellish that Trump will have no power to interfere. That escalation is already underway. They could also sharply escalate Israel’s wars.”

“Second, and equally reckless and mad, would be for the transatlantic regime to attempt to murder the President-elect.”

“In U.S. history, eight Presidents have died in office. Four of them were shot to death. There is a glaring and outrageous pattern in all eight of these cases that can let us quickly understand the threat we now face.”

“Each of these Presidents who suddenly died faced a confrontation with the transatlantic imperial regime – the same imperial power that has controlled U.S. affairs for this past half a century and will lose control if the U.S. asserts its self-interest.’

Lloyd replied, “There is no question that our foreign policy, our domestic policy, is not benefitting the American people. Who is the deep state? What are their names? We need to get them out of government.”

Lloyd Chapman is Founder and President of the American Small Business League (, working to protect the interests of our nation's 33 million small businesses. His goal is to stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations. See the special project at Follow Lloyd at

Bruce de Torres is author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free (read the amazing reviews at, marketing director at ("Books that challenge official history...because it matters”), and host of REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRES.

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