Walking In LA - Missing Persons - bass cover | Ibanez 1005MS EHB bass

3 months ago

I create videos for this channel as I learn new music, usually to share with my band as a way to pitch ideas for set list additions. Once I feel like I've got a good enough grasp of the song, I'll grab the camera and try recording it.

This one is a do-over. Our band, Retroflection, is seriously reconsidering this. That was 18 months ago when I first brought up this song as a possible add. Looks like we are going to add it finally :)

When I went back to relearn it, I realized that my original recording of the verses were close, but not quite the same lick the synth bass plays. I really tried to match the song on this one. Not sure if there's a tab out there that reflects this, but I'll try to put one together.

I'm playing this on an Ibanez 1005MS EHB 5-string bass, modified with Aguilar pickups. The bass is plugged into a Fender Rumble Stage 800 amp with the DI out going directly into GarageBand.

My gear: https://mcbass.band/gear/
My scheduled performances: https://mcbass.band/performances/
Retroflection: https://retroflection.band
CopyPaste: https://copypasteband.com

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