A Short and Convoluted History of the Gewehr 98

2 months ago

Before the legendary Kar98k of World War II arrived on the scene, there was the Gewehr 98 of World War I. While collectors may covet the one that served the Third Reich, the Redneck Preppy says the rifle carried by soldiers of the German Empire had its own interesting history.

0:08 - Introduction
0:41 - A Close Look at the Gewehr 98
07:38 - Before the Gewehr 98
12:28 - Who Was Paul Mauser?
15:07 - Continuing the Story of the Gewehr 98
23:37 - Variants of the Gewehr 98
28:41 - The Legacy of the Gewehr 98

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Wo alle Straßen enden - First World War German soldiers song

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