Insane Neighbor Tries to JAIL ME for Cleaning My Home! It Backfires! [Crazy Reddit Stories]

3 months ago

This episode is full of entitled Karen neighbors! OP tells the story of the time they moved into a new apartment with an awful neighbor, an entitled Karen, who gets mad at every single little noise they make, even when they're cleaning during the day! Subscribe for future stories.

✉️Submit your stories to: Darkfluffofficial(at)
👍 Like this video if you want to see more!

👱🏼‍♀️ One of my favorite Entitled People stories! [Karen Tries to Pull Off a Customer's Face Mask! Gets Taught a Lesson]

Stories in this episode of Reddit Entitled People:

0:00 - Intro
0:27 - Story 1 (5155163)
5:10 - Story 2 (originaldeadlysin)
7:47 - Story 3 (hamershellz)
12:23 - Story 4 (PineconeCollector)
17:02 - Story 5 (SallySitwell3000)
20:29 - Story 6 (jeepersjess)

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