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His Spirit who Dwells in Us

3 months ago

Paul culminates the message comparing the law, the value of the law and distinctly what the law actually accomplishes. Jesus, as the Son of God was brought to us to provide a clear path to heaven. Paul is clear in stating that Jesus brought to us by God as the one who will save us, the one who paid our sin debt. Jesus is our propitiation, our representative that has received the world’s sin on the cross allowing us to no longer feel condemned for our sins (1 John 2:2).

As a Christian when we believe and acknowledge our salvation comes from God through Jesus, it provides a clear path for the Holy Spirit to reside in each one of us. It is with the Holy Spirit that we can develop that close personal relationship with God and Jesus. The Holy Spirit has been left behind to keep us accountable for the promises that we made to God through our professing to leave our old life and start our new life in Christ. The bible teaches us that we no longer walk in the flesh but we walk according to the Spirit. In the book of (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13) Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will be here to guide us, remind us and who will tell us the truth. We are reminded that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and He is the third person of the trinity.

Paul makes the statement that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled according to the Spirit. When we live in the Spirit we will live our lives according to the Spirit. Sin quenches the Spirit when we as true believers sin against the Spirit. This means we are being separated from God through our sin. When we walk close with God we all know when we are sinning or are about to sin. Our safe guard is given to us by God and God will never let us get away with committing sin. Why? Because we will be living with Him for eternity in heaven where there is no sin. Sin does not exist in heaven nor will it ever.

Once again God gives us a choice between life and peace or being carnal . As we mentioned, the life that Paul discusses is eternal life and the peace is living with God in peace. The bible teaches us that Jesus is peace. We can have peace on this earth and the ultimate peace in heaven. But if you think you are a “know it all” coupled with being stuck in the ways of the world, we are carnal or as Paul calls it carnally minded.

σάρξf, sarx : the psychological aspect of human nature which contrasts with the spiritual nature; in other words, that aspect of human nature which is characterized by or reflects typical human reasoning and desires in contrast with those aspects of human thought and behavior which relate to God and the spiritual life—‘human nature, human aspects, natural, human.’

In our walk with Christ it is better to let God control your life. To submit to God and confess our knowledge is nothing compared to His. When we realize that we are not smarter or even come close to His intelligence, in other words we are not God, our lives will flourish with God’s blessings. One of those blessings is to give us knowledge and wisdom beyond all understanding. That knowledge and wisdom is God’s knowledge and wisdom. As we grow closer to God and get closer to heaven our knowledge will increase about the things in heaven and more importantly the things and characteristics of the Triune God.

My prayer is that God would pour His knowledge and wisdom into each one of us. That as we develop our personal relationship with God we would grow closer and closer to Him. I pray our walk with Jesus will be filled with joy, love, trust and a better understanding of our life long journey with Christ. I pray that we faithfully serve our Lord and Savior and we would not let anyone or anything disrupt our relationship with Jesus. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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