the Squirrel Room

3 months ago

here's a video of the squirrel's I rescued in their rehab room. I turned my guest room into the Squirrel room where I set up a sort of training course for the squirrels to learn how to climb, the bedroom window I had a cage around it and a pipe up to the roof so when they got big enough they were able to safely go out the window and up to the roof, eventually they stopped coming back into the squirrel room and made nests for themselves in the trees by my house. After I released them I moved 700 miles away, to my surprise they followed me (I don't know how but they did and 2 of them made it, took them about 3 months to find me, I think the birds helped them.
I named them all "Sweet Pea" and they knew their name, still do, all their descendants know it too. when I holler "Sweet Pea" in my yard all the little grey tree squirrels come runnin lol.

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