Kash Patel On Transparency And Declassifying Information Like The JFK Files And Russiagate

3 months ago

Posted • December 1, 2024: Kash Patel has gotten some powerful endorsements to be the next director of the FBI. Former FBI Special Agent Daniel Brunner said Patel, whose "resume isn't traditional," would to "massive damage" to the bureau. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said, "it's inconceivable to me that an outsider with no experience in the organization, no knowledge of the work and the scope of authority that’s involved there could perform adequately,” That's exactly what we're looking for: an outsider who will clean up the place. President-elect Donald Trump made the announcement on Truth Social Saturday. 🚨 Kash Patel named FBI Director https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gdq-LcfWoAAiMdz?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 -- Listen to what he has to say about transparency and declassifying information like the JFK files and Russiagate. He is the right man for the job. Oh man the intel community and their media puppets are going to go after Kash Patel harder than anyone they’ve ever gone after before. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Donald Trump Names Kash Patel Director of the FBI
Rumble: Delicious: Andrew McCabe Throws A Fit On CNN Over Trump Nomination Of Kash Patel To FBI Director
Rumble: Kash Patel: 'I'd Shut Down The FBI Hoover Building On Day One And Open A Deep State Museum'

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