'This is ridiculous talk! [what Bret Weinstein says about mRNA]', says J. J. Couey, PhD

1 month ago

Jonathan Jay Couey, PhD, former Research Assistant Professor, Neurobiology, critiquing Bret Weinstein, PhD 
on Tucker Carlson on 6 Jan 2024 | Jan 2024.

The full video titled "The Pyramid of Nonsense (Bret on Tucker) --(6 Jan 2024)" is posted here:


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Description below copied from "RustyDwyer"'s posting of the video clip here:


While social media fanboys are providing glowing reviews and heralding the previously unseen wisdom from Bret Weinstein on the covid and vaccine villains and heroes. Not everyone agrees.

Neuro-Biologist Jonathan J Couey's critique provides a very different perspective on many of Weinstein's revelations. These perspectives are important in that they challenge what is now becoming the widely held Worse Case Scenario (WCS) narrative that Weinstein is promoting as fact.

Jessica Hockett, on X also provides a summary of the problems with Bret Weinstein's views, as articulated to Tucker Carlson on today's show, after a first listen:

• Bret Weinstein believes there was an emergency.

• Bret Weinstein believes there was a sudden-spreading risk-additive pathogen.

• Bret Weinstein believe there was a pandemic (and doesn't define what that is)

• Bret Weinstein believes new (repurposed) treatments were needed for the sudden-spreading thing.

• Bret Weinstein is far more critical of Pharma than of government.

• Bret Weinstein expresses concerns about the WHO pandemic treaty without expressing doubts about pandemics as a Thing -- and without recognizing the harms exacted by the U.S. govt in spring 2020.

• Bret Weinstein presents himself as a truth teller, yet is not telling or seeking the full truth.


Source - Larry Hobbs, Fat News

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