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3 months ago

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.
The goal of this video is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video. You can support future projects, making a donation at www.outofshadows.org -------------------Very Important! Please Hit the thumbs up button 👍 and Follow, So this Channel/Documentary can get as much traction as possible.---------------------------------


  • 0/2000
  • the GOD of the Bible is the only answer!

  • Incredible Documentary !! Some is hard to see and hear ! Oh Lord deliver us from evil - cleanse our land . Psalm 94 and Psalm 68. prayers of WAR pete santilli knows alot about mk ultra also heard him speak some about it . Play certain music softly all night long to chase away evil 😈 spirits - SCARY 😱 agree people will not be able to process this that such t rex bite of inferno is so prevalent in our country and world . ONE thing I know - JUDGEMENT AND REVENGE ARE HIS - ONE DAY HE WILL RETURN … Congressional Record of Read into Record on Jan 10,1963 —- 45 Communist Goals - and they have all been completed . Repent for the Kingdom of G_D is near before great and terrible day - great tribulation …. Thank You Alex for putting this out to share . Shared your link Song by Ted Pearce Title Come Out of Babylon https://youtu.be/leA8_K_5gHU?feature=shared

  • Pedo occult grew a hundred fold since Pizza gate was covered up. Satanism, Islam and forces of evil will be overcome, this is why Christianity is attacked throughout the world, we believe in sanctity of life, Christ is King, I pray for all who want to do good

  • This is the best show I've ever watched in my entire life. That's including all media

  • to have a good garden you have to pull up and destroy all the weeds. and take OUT the trash.

  • Amazing!!!!!! Sharing this far & wide!!

  • Thankyou.....

  • IT'S LIKE THE FREEMASONS .THE LITTLE PEOPLE AT THE BOTTOM DOSEN'T KNOW THAT THE TOP WORSHIPS SATAN .Albeit Pike wrote their hand Bible and says thay worship satan. Trump is a FREEMASON. I worry about that.

    1 like
  • I wish they would play this on TV.. or more people had Rumble

    1 like
  • Share this with everyone in your phone... pretty please with a cherry on top

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  • interesting he's not asking us to like or follow the creator of this

    1 like
  • it takes just one person to spend less than one dollar to eliminate one pedophiles or pervert. and save many children. it doesn't matter who the criminal is.

  • Satan controls the airways and government and catholic church.thats y we not me celebrate pagan holidays Christmas eastare Halloween attending church on the 1 day of the week sun day the pagan worship day of the sun god mistrifth.

  • You all look to christ for saviour. Where the fuck is he . We were told to do the Lords work . Not sit on our hand and wait while these evil scum murder our children and us . We are the power . We have allowed them to take it from us

  • This Doco is all over the place. Pretty poorly made. Spent the first 10 or 15 mins talking about the guys stunt career...who cares. And no real intro to what the Doco was about. And we all know about this so its like a Doco 5 years or so late. Kind of a waste of time watching