Metal-Boto - Turtles of Grayskull - Collect and Connect Figure - Review

19 hours ago

The time has finally come to put together all those parts we've been saving up for Metal-Boto, the Metal Master of fighting created by combining together Roboto and Metalhead. Msn iy too FOREVER to get all the parts.

Used the Ending theme from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

#Roboto #Metalhead #metalboto #collectandconnect #buildafigure #Heman #turtlesofgrayskull #teenagemutantninjaturtles #TMNT #mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverseorigins #MOTU #MOTUO #motuorigins #mattel #nickolodeon #heroesinahalfshell #ninjaturtles #hemanandthemastersoftheuniverse

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