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Covid Vaccines Injuries and Deaths - REPORTS FROM VIEWERS

3 months ago

Covid Vaccines Injuries and Deaths - REPORTS FROM VIEWERS

Nov. 30, 2024


Dr. John Campbell

Uncensored - BLOOD CLOTS

Guest: Retired Air Force Major Thomas Haviland

"The VACCINE was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the VACCINE. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

The data is finally in! We no longer have a handful of grisly, anecdotal claims about encountering strange amyloid-like white clots in cadavers from a few rogue embalmers across the U.S., but rather a global survey of over hundreds of embalmers and funeral homes all corroborating these claims in great detail and with evidence to prove it!

Major Haviland, a 20 year veteran of the U.S. Air Force who then went on to work another 16 years as a defense contractor, was unjustly fired in October of 2021 by Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio for refusing the experimental EUA injections. Upon his discharge, Haviland began a personal crusade to put an end to unjust and unethical mandates but would soon find himself moving beyond the mandate issue and questioning the safety of the COVID-19 injections themselves.

After watching the infamous Died Suddenly film in November of 2022 and hearing the anecdotal stories of the handful of embalmers featured in the film, he became intensely interested in learning more about the alleged novel, fibrous, amyloid-like clots being discovered in the bloodstreams of the deceased. Haviland decided to put his expert knowledge of data collection and analysis to work by designing a first-of-its-kind survey of over 1700 funeral homes across the globe around their experiences encountering these mysterious rubbery substances. The results of the survey are sure to astound the audience and forever change the debate on the safety of these so-called "vaccines."

Viewer: "As a funeral director I did speak out. And now I'm unemployed. I knew my job that I love, would of been on the line. But my consciousness would not allow me to be quiet."

Viewer: "My daughter died SUDDENLY at age 45 in Sept 2022. She was an athlete & her heart stopped while working out. She was an ER RN & mandated to take the bioweapon & all boosters. While on life support they found a "blockage" just outside of her left ventricle. She suffered severe brain anoxia & was removed from LS. My Son in law thought my insistence that this was from the bioweapon was complete lunacy. An autopsy was not offered & she was cremated the next day. My family has no history of heart issues. My daughter was an active, 100% HEALTHY, clean eating mother of 5. She was murdered."

Viewer: "I work fitting patients for compression garments. Most clots are in the legs, but several have expressed that the clots extended into their groins, stomach, chest, and one that went into the person's neck from their foot. Most have had clots removed and are now wearing very tight compression to prevent new clots. I have fit men for medical pantyhose (this was rare before). My business has increased three times to what it was in 2023 and the number of young people are shocking. Very few people have told me their issues are old or long standing - most have never had problems before. Only one revealed their jab status and they were jabbed/boosted. Many say the clots came on suddenly. There is a definite pattern."

Viewer: "June my wife of 43 years submitted herself to the Covid vaccine following the advice of Government/Medics and my insistence. June was an award-winning career SRN/RGN and died aged 66 years. This occurred very suddenly in front of me while June was on the phone to a friend. June collapsed at the kitchen table. I administered CPR (retired Police Officer). June began to breath again but stopped again. Paramedics arrived administered Adrenalin and defibrillator but June was pronounced deceased around 6:45 pm on Wednesday 8 December 2021. The event occurred 14 days after her latest Covid shot which was the Moderna vaccine. A PM was conducted and thrombosis, myocardial infarction and heart failure listed as cause of death. No mention of Covid vaccine."

PEOPLE'S BLOOD CLOT SURVEY: https://youtu.be/OdlLhs3sC8A

YOUR BLOOD CLOT DATA: https://youtu.be/FREzHQ8tA6w



The 2024 People's Blood Clot Survey

AI Assesses "Unintended Consequences" of Covid Vaccines

Embalmer Data Revealed! Special Episode with Retired Air Force Major Thomas Haviland

Covid Vaccine Injury Global Study: www.react19.org/study

Covid vaccine injury medical expense fund: www.react19.org/donate

Original: https://youtu.be/-s-ioZp1Pbs



LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-john-campbell-5256223b

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.l.campbell1

Disclaimer; These media including videos, book, e-book, articles, podcasts are not peer-reviewed. They should never replace individual clinical judgement from your own health care provider. No media-based material on this channel is suitable for using as professional medical advice. All comments are also for educational purposed only and must never replace advice from your own health care provider.

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