It's cold and flu season. Try Dr. Smith's Vanish-Plus.

3 months ago

Vanish Plus will boost maximum natural immunity to help prevent colds and the flu. Vanish-Plus evolved from decades of research and intelligent evolution. The clinically proven formula includes vibrationally infused energy patterns of known immune boosters such as, 1,3 ‑ 1,6 beta glucans, thymus (extract), food based vitamins A, C, E, magnesium, vegetable based essential fatty acids, calcium lactate (non-dairy), maca gold, adrenal and thyroid support, olive leaf, ionic silver, L-lysine, lymph drainage, quercetin, glutathione, zinc, cordyceps, and a proprietary blend of vibrationally charged immune boosters that activate the body’s own defenses to engage pathogens (viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, etc.). Vanish Plus comes in a convenient two ounce spray bottle with no alcohol or, preservatives or allergenic substances in the formula. Visit for more information.

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