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Being Thankful AND Grateful
With all due respect and given all the problems we have in America today, we are still a blessed and prosperous people especially when you compare us to other nations. That’s why we have a border problem with one of our other biggest problems is too much spending, Amen? You will find a plethora of details during our one hour special this Saturday morning. This includes being grateful for those rough times which when properly applied help us to grow and mature in our spiritual development.
Could things get better in America? God fearing Americans’ who went to Washington DC on January 6th of 2021 are still experiencing issues that are tearing at the fabric of their family and livelihoods. Unwarranted searches, legal assails and unjustified imprisonments have been the Lawfare order of the day especially over the last 4 years. But as always, there is a rainbow behind every cloud and opportunities abound. There are also those that are still suffering dearly from the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, yet

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