Never Break The Commitment You Make To Yourself

3 months ago

Cookies aren't bad.
Alcohol isn't bad.

Breaking promises to yourself and being stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage is bad.

Eating and drinking to cover up trauma is bad.

Being frustrated for years and hating how you look and feel is bad.

If you're a disciplined badass and can go to a family party, have one cookie, one glass of wine, and cut yourself off then congrats, but this post isn't for you.

This post is for people who are where I once was.

Stuck as somebody I didn't want to be.

Overweight, sloppy, and always making excuses.

Always justifying to myself why the comfort I sought was good for me then feeling that searing pain when reality hit and I looked in the mirror.

You can only put the pacifier in for so long.

Cookies didn't keep me stuck for years.
Alcohol didn't keep me stuck for years

Bad habits, no systems, and a poor mindset kept me stuck.

Losing everyday battles kept me stuck.

If I lose the small battles how will I win the big ones?

If it only takes seeing a piece of candy on the counter for me to throw my principles away, then what hope is there for me?

Shift your perspective and RISE

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