Mysterious Crop Circles Appear from Nowhere

6 years ago

While taking my Drone out for a test drive, next to a church and children's playground, I noticed something very unusual. At the top of the hill, in some very tall grass were markings like I had never seen before. They had no logical purpose for being there and how they would have been made escapes me. Hopefully you will get the perspective of how big this is based on the size of the trees behind it and even a passing vehicle on the road to the left of it. It conjured up images in my mind of what people have reported as being Crop Circles.
When you first look at it, you can almost see the body shape of a turtle...but one with antenna and a very long tail. In a highly populated area, how does something like this just appear over night.
If you think you have the answer, please comment because I sure don't know. Hope you enjoy a Drone's Point of View with what could be visitors to Peterborough...

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