2 Day old kitten rescued with his mother - after a little struggle.

3 months ago

I found a 2 day old kitten with his mother - one of several rescues from this place in the last 10 days or so...... It took a while to catch the mother cat since she was still in shock at being thrown away and bolted. They settled in so fast with us - that we gave her another 2 young kittens to foster a few hours later.


00:00 Introduction

00:16 Finding them and catching Mama

10:30 The next day and already well settled

We are in dire need of support.

The relentless suppression and bullying of youtube google has now taken its toll. Despite the best efforts of a handful of donors, and Patreon donations, we are no longer able to maintain the level of care necessary, and have already acquired debts.

Endless cutting of views, removing subscribers, MANUAL PINPOINT targeting of every upload, demonitisation, not sending notifications, etc, etc. - have cut us off from many people who previously donated and other long term supporters. We have rescued more than 20 kittens and cats in the last 7 days - 9 of which came from clearing one dump alone. 2 of those animals require ongoing veterinary treatment, the costs of which we are being deliberately and maliciously prevented from even trying to find online.

We would also appreciate help from anyone who would like to help us with fund raising work, orraising awareness about the work we are trying to do.

Thanks to everyone who supports us, and makes this work possible.

A particular thanks to @jamesstreet228 and Jose Lopez who have helped us with epic generosity, while a certain platform is doing everything it can to stop us helping these animals

A special thanks to my Patreon supporters:Dejan GolePutriTorsten SchwanMarc 1981erMad ChemistJoeitmMary YettsLynne SDiana PulidoKeith CawthorneLisa DickieVanessa SorrellJellyfishLars PettersenkkibbenFarah Hani Abd NasirEmily O'NeillJonasHemansenob44Veda Pannonesams cat rescueYour contribution is making a daily difference.

#kittenrescue #animalrescue #irish #irelandEnquiries: mycammedia@hotmail.comPlease consider making a donation to us to help support our efforts. Our greatest need is for funding for inoculation and neutering of cats for adoption.

PayPal: https://paypal.me/Mycammedia

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mycammedia

Buy a coffee for Mycammedia: https://ko-fi.com/mycammedia

Copyright 2024


#dspca #cats #cutekittens #cutecats #catlover #catslovers #petlover #animallover #animallovers #catrescue #kitten #kittens #kittenrescue

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