TAMING THE BIG PHARMA MONSTER: By Speaking Truth to Power:

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Hedley Rees is the Managing Consultant at PharmaFlow Limited, a UK-based consultancy
specializing in supply chain management within the pharmaceutical and life science sectors.
Clients range from large pharmaceutical companies to emerging biotech, and include
investors, lawyers, other consultancies, facility design & build specialists and third-party
logistics providers (3PLs).
Assignments span preclinical, clinical, and commercial supply chains up to complex multi-
product networks covering global territories.
He is also the author of Wiley's Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering
Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics, as well as author of a second book for
Wiley, titled Transforming the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, scheduled to be published in
the New Year.
B. Eng. (Tech) Hons Production Engineering, University of Wales; Executive MBA, Cranfield
University School of Management.
PharmaFlow Ltd: https://www.pharmaflowltd.com/company/
INSIDE PHARMA Substack: https://hedleyrees.substack.com/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/hedleyrees
Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for
Pharmaceuticals and Biologics: https://www.wiley.com/en-
Transforming the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, Proposed Cover:

THE COVID-19 SUPPLY CHAIN: Fact not Fiction: https://amzn.eu/d/7jZyioW

Find It, File It, Flog It: Pharma's Crippling Addiction and How to Cure it:
TAMING THE BIG PHARMA MONSTER: By Speaking Truth to Power:

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