CNN's Latest Attack On Elon Musk Gets Shut Down … By Momma Musk

3 months ago

Posted • November 30, 2024: With Donald Trump as the de facto leader for left-wing whinery, Elon Musk is quickly becoming public enemy number two for the Democrat media machinery. As Twitchy readers know, CNN can't get enough of criticizing the Dem-defeating duo. The latest wild claims about the eccentric Mars-bound mogul came from CNN panelist Bakari Sellers, accusing Musk of wanting to turn America into an 'apartheid state'. Sellers went so far as to cite 'some of the things that his own parents have said about him' before ranting about 'xenophobia'. He seemed to be implying that Musk's parents would back up his characterization of their son. 🚨 CNN says Elon Musk wants to turn America into a RACIST APARTHEID STATE, and claims Elon’s mother called him xenophobic. This is on ANOTHER LEVEL of fake news. CNN is beyond desperate. I’d bet every penny I have Maye Musk never called Elon Musk “xenophobic.”

These are nothing more than smear tactics meant to intimidate us, and CNN commentators are clearly too stupid to figure out Americans don’t buy that garbage anymore. And that's where CNN went wrong … they poked a momma bear. You never poke a momma bear. Maye Musk caught wind of the smear against her son and took CNN to task. -- Maye Musk @mayemusk: “Oh dear, does CNN only invite people who are willing to lie? I had to look up xenophobic, so I’ve definitely never used that word.” -- 'Xenophobic' obviously has a real definition, but its modern use is simply another word Democrats use to call people bigots. Mrs. Musk has clearly had enough of the media lying about her son. Absolutely nobody leaves the garbage CNN is spewing anymore. The responses came rolling in as people pointed out CNN's increasingly desperate tactics. Invoking "racism" is the left's default setting. Anything or anyone that challenges their worldview must be racist.

It's their defense mechanism to help them avoid discussing facts and means they don't have to acknowledge real solutions to the problems their leaders cause. We're not sure the Left is even capable of making a cogent argument at this point. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - CNN's Latest Attack on Elon Gets Shut Down … by Momma Musk

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