Discussing Negative and Positive Reptilian ETs - Part 1 of 2 - Kevin Briggs, Aurora and Brian

1 month ago

This Oct. 30, 2024 panel discussion focused on the concept of reptilians, both positive and negative. Aurora Belcea presented her detailed drawings of reptilians, emphasizing their positive aspects and the importance of shifting attention to positivity. The conversation also touched on Kevin Brigg’s Council of Eight and the multi-dimensional nature of consciousness. Brian Ruhe discussed the influence of negative reptilians on global affairs, referencing David Icke's theories. The participants agreed on the power of human intention and the need to balance negative and positive perceptions to create a better future.
Kevin Briggs can be found at www.kevinjbriggs.com .


Discussion on Reptilians and Personal Experiences
• Kevin Briggs and other participants discuss their experiences and perspectives on reptilians, both positive and negative.
• Aurora Belcea mentions having two portraits of reptilians and expresses gratitude for being part of the conversation.
• Kevin Briggs and Aurora discuss the importance of focusing on positive aspects of reptilians and the negative impact of fear-based media.

Introduction to the Topic: Negative Reptilians
• Brian reads a question about people's views on negative reptilians and their place in the overall mix of extraterrestrial beings.
• Aurora Belcea begins to discuss the topic, mentioning the lack of personal experience with negative reptilians but expressing interest in learning more. She notes that different species of reptilians are often lumped together in alternative media, leading to a default fear response. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing that negative portrayals of reptilians may not be representative of all species.

Personal Experiences with Reptilians
• Kevin Briggs shares a personal experience with a reptilian entity, describing the entity's ambivalent attitude towards humans and its curiosity about out-of-body travel. Kevin reflects on the need to be more open-minded about reptilians and acknowledges the balance between good and evil within consciousness. Kevin shares a similar experience with a reptilian on an insectoid ship, noting the entity's curiosity and the negative energy it emanated.
• Aurora discusses the importance of presenting reptilians in a positive light through her drawings and the positive feedback she has received.

Aurora's Drawings and Their Meaning
• Aurora shares her drawings of reptilians, explaining their significance and the positive messages they convey.
• Aurora describes a reptilian entity who extracts DNA from bio matter and the interesting role it plays in the universe.
• Aurora shares another drawing of a reptilian guide named Max, who is large, muscular, and very loving and supportive.
• Aurora explains the symbols in her drawings and their role in triggering information and activating consciousness in viewers.

Positive Portrayals of Reptilians
• Aurora emphasizes the importance of presenting reptilians in a positive light to counteract negative stereotypes.
• Aurora discusses the feedback she has received from her drawings, noting that they help people see reptilians in a new, positive light.
• Brian and Kevin Briggs express their admiration for Aurora's work and the positive impact it has on the perception of reptilians.
• Aurora shares her plans to continue creating sculptures of ETs to further embody their energy and presence.

Thanks to April for making the thumbnail.

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