Joy Reid is full of CaCa...avoid HER not your friends and relatives

3 months ago

Do NOT avoid friends and family during the holidays if they are in the opposite political lane than you to avoid stress as some talking head morons suggest. Joy Reid is full of CaCa and a really sick individual....AVOID HER not your friends and family. Family and friends are the most important things in life. I understand some of them may still be in grief phase so take the high road don't rub salt in the political wounds. Make a rule that there will be no politics at the family table. Works for me and my keeping politics out of our phone calls and gatherings we have a decent relationship. That is even after she sent me a card calling me and every other republican a terrorist for voting for Trump and the party of common sense after the 2020 race. I love my mom and haven't said a word to her about the election. People, especially the elderly lonely widows and widowers get depressed enough during the holidays without the added stress of possibly losing the time with our remaining loved ones by piling more crap on top of holiday loneliness. Suicide rates go up during holidays enough without someone piling more sadness (to them its sad remember) on top of everything else. Thank God for this holiday season and DO NOT avoid friends and family that might still have their hair on fire. God bless you, God bless America, I love you all and remain your humble servant.

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