Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 46)

1 day ago

*Facing immanent defeat at the hands of Thrall, Control does have one last hope. It is a measure he has barely tested and one he knows will not help him for long. He can set his suit to Extreme, pushing his liquid metal levels to their utter limits which will hulk him up and even make his reflexes work at incredible speeds. This is a measure he had been tinkering with ever since SuperDuperMan joined the Just, in case he ever needed to go toe to toe with the man, but since his silver chains worked so well before he has never tested his Extreme more than twice. Now it is all he has left which is a boon since SuperDuperMan finally joins the fight and that means Control needs to now face off against him, the Protector, and then head back to Thrall. And while he does manage to deal well with SuperDuper and the Protector... standing face to face with them or jumping around and taking the fight into the the end Thrall does, finally, bring Control to his knees. However, in her victory, Thrall decides not to kill but to instead let Control stay awhile in a place where he has sent so many others. She sends Control to the Shelf [AI Art]*

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