The main street media lied to the american people about donald trump for 8 years. 2016-2024

3 months ago

This video might change your mind about donald trump.The main street media lied to the american people about donald trump for 8 years. This video will show and "proof" that the democrates had the main street media cut out scripts on donald trump speaches for the last 8 years. They made the american people believe donald trump speeches were correct but there were parts cut out and redited for 8 years lying to the american people. So they made donald trump look bad on his speeches for 8 years. Wake up america people who voted for kalama harris because democrates and the main street media was lying. Trump had to deal with all these lies told and his speeches rescripted to make him look bad. If you watch the main stream media with all the lies they have said and vidoes rescripted for 8 years you believed the lies. Some americans were brained washed after watching the lies and rescripted videos for 8 years. This video will show all the proof you need from a federal meeting showing this.2016-2024 were all lies about donald trump speeches and videos were not correct. This was so sad what the man went threw. God was on trump side and the american people that had commen sense. We Americans have spoken that we did not want a communist USA and communist laws. Trump is the smartest president in history and the democrates were scared of him because they new he was a strong president with commen sense. JUST WANT ALL AMERICANS KNOW THAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA ABC, MSNBC, CNN, WSJ, CNN, The New York Times Are Still Lying And Will Continue Lying For The Next 4 Years About Anything To Do With President Donald Trump 2024-2028.They Will Cut Out Part Of Speeches And Only Let You See Part of The Speeches That They Want You To See and Here. They Basically Edit Anything To Make Donald Trump Look Bad. America You Need To Do Your Research Were The Truth Will Be on Youtube X, Rumble, Fox News, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Podcastors Barry Cunningham Fanfar, Professor Nez,
Benny Johnson.

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