Kevin Anette on Confederated Republic / articulating real child hunger games by Elite

1 month ago

Opening the Narrative of "uninvited guests" / Settlors aka American & Canadian People, who originally sought refuge upon these shores in search of religious and personal freedoms from the Crown, and persecutions being carried out by the Jesuits back during the inquisition, which has never ended, hence the reason why We have so many innocent wo/men in jails and prisons who haven't even come close to fulfilling every element of a crime, yet...
There they are The Native American, & First Nations' Peoples, and Canadian. and American People ~ LOCKED UP!!!

Kevin has been instrumental in bringing these real stories to light,
thank you Kevin and team, for your ongoing quest to end the Jesuit Regime
and it's evils on this planet.

If you are still unsure who the Jesuits are See:

and read the "jesuits Oath":

This Genocide will not stop until the People all over the World Unite
and Stand in Unity against these War Crimes against Mankind, and
"War Crimes Against Children"

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