Robert Malone MD - The Covid-19 Summary (Very Soft Disclosure Style)

3 months ago

We warned you.

Where is the F’ing Media?

17,000 physicians and scientists from around the world agree Covid 19 vaccines are dangerous and harmful.


This is a speech intended for the 3D world. Covid-19 clearly was not experimental and it was not for therapy, but a genetic bioweapon hurriedly released to curtail the planned ten years of lockdown and time for the deep-state to produce the final solution product. At this moment in time the brutal truth is perhaps a step too far for the normies, so in their timeline they will probably understand a "bad messed up therapy" .

Pfizer Was Fully Aware That Their
'Vaccines' Were Unsafe
Robert Kennedy Jr: "Your chance
of dying of a heart attack from that
vaccine, according to their own
studies, is 500% greater than if
you're unvaccinated, SO they knew
they were gonna kill a lot of people,
and they did it anyway."

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