Unboxing & Review - Louis Vuitton Lucky Trunk Replica Bag from BABALABAGS.RU (LINK IN DESCRIPTION)

5 days ago

Here I show off my latest "Luxury' Bag! This is the Louis Vuitton Lucky Trunk and it is this really nice pouch that actually becomes a bag! It comes in the original coated canvas monogram print and has beautiful gold hardware and chain straop with it and also treated black leather accents and strap! Come see and check it out! If you're a returning subscriber, thanks for always coming back for more! If you are new, welcome and please consider subscribing to the channel so you won't miss any future content like this! Also everyone please... Like, Share and Comment!!
The Mad Hatter

___Contents of the Video____
0:00 - 01:18 Intro
01:18 - 03:09 Bag of the Day
0 3:09 - 10:36 Unboxing & Review
10:36 - 11:10 Modshots
11:10 - 11:54 Outro

*For any additional details please email me at

BAG LINK - https://www.babalabags.co/Louis-Vuitton-Lucky-Trunk-Monogram-Coated-canvas-M12075-High-15024?search=lucky%20trunk

(When available, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission)

*Equipment Used On My Channel*
Camera - https://amzn.to/4dyDZSJ (Amazon)
Ring Light- https://amzn.to/3WWrdHE (Amazon)

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