Corruption 2024 Elections Funding Humanitarian Projects Trafficking Part 4 (12:55)

1 month ago

This is my Thanksgiving Message on a Day where I do not Celebrate Thanksgiving (12:55)

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25. I also want to add that in addition to many of the key people who attend the Nevada County Assembly under the leadership of Paul James, Paul Gilbert, Tony Frachitto, and Susan Frisbee who I have all told about the transnational child sex trafficking depraved maniacs, I have also specifically told Yarrow Love in my office several times. I even showed him a photo of the demon-man who is a US Military Officer and Chaplain. I also told John Luminiere who is a trained psychologist-therapist. My point is not to disparage them, but my point is to the best of my knowledge, they have acted casually and have done nothing in terms of speaking out on this matter privately or publicly as it involved leadership or the lack thereof. If 100% of the population in the circles of people and groups mentioned herein – and especially as it relates to tying up everyone’s money and finances across the nation, then see #25 below for my proposal. Maybe I am “King of the Hill.” Maybe I am the last lion standing!!!

26. I am proposing since nobody is willing or available that I interject my own authority on how to “guard the money” since Deryl Zeleny and Paul James as well as all of the others in the Nevada County Assembly are not willing and/or able.

I have no idea what everyone will say, but so far, for roughly five years, silence has been the rule, and not the exception. I will send my proposal to the highest powers in the US, the US Department of Treasury, and the Commander-in-Chief, as well as other commanders. My measurement is not about my success as much

as it is about a concept, so few seem to grasp: “doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing while God is watching.”

27. I am going to submit my line of reasoning and thinking to the powers that be above Paul James and Deryl Zeleny. I have no idea where this can go, but it cannot get much worse than the current killing of thousands of children where I have felt it chapter and verse!!! Also, my criminal history is much better than those who have killed thousands of children. People should follow me instead of the child killers. Oh, I almost forgot!!! I have no crimes committed by me in my history!!!

28. The other issue I have with Paul James and Deryl Zeleny, is that aside from basic confidentiality in daily life, they do not believe in freedom of speech. Paul James believes in freedom of speech in his law class, but as soon as the law class is dismissed, freedom of speech is also dismissed. This has pissed me off many times. Deryl Zeleny, by default and through his friendship with Paul James believes the same thing. I have concerns about any New Heaven and New Earth, special projects for society, and anything related to a higher level of consciousness if freedom of speech is squashed. This how I have lived, come life or death. Patrick Henry once said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” in a speech he delivered on the to the Virginia House of Burgesses in March 1775.

29. I have obtained much information that I still need to sift through; however, at this time, I must pursue the direction of integrity. I have no idea where this road will lead, but as I have said many times, I have to stand before God more than I have to stand before man.

30. Much of what I have said in this letter will be viewed with me being the “criminal;” however, I know I am a straight shooter (peacefully and lawfully, this is a figure of speech for the uneducated who like to go to court and lose their case). Even if telling the truth alienates me from the population, even if it alienates me from the US Military jurisdiction, or from others, I still have to keep my hands clean of the blood of children.

The others in society, who are okay with the blood of children on their hands or blocking the way of accessing their money and finances, are free to choose that road. I cannot and will not choose that path. Honestly, I would rather be dead than have the blood of children on my hands.

This is my position as I approach the Commander-in-Chief, Patriots, Mothers of the Community, and the various US Military Commanders. The last time I checked, I was asked to sign up for this honor to protect the community locally – to create local change to push for a national impact. Nowhere in the instructions did it state, “You are in here to make friends.” I do believe that the Ret. General Michael Flynn left that part of the message out of his speech. If the Commander-in-Chief, the US Military, and/or the Ret. General Michael Flynn want to add in the necessity that I make friends with everyone, including, but not limited to the transnational child sex traffickers and child killers, then they are free to issues such wishes to me, but as of this date, they know my staunch position on all of these matters, and they have remained silent as it relates to me specifically. Silence means the US Military acquiesces to my Lion positioning.

31. Finally, I have located – along with a friend of mine – churches that are trafficking children and adults. Government officials became very angry at me for writing about this, and delivering my findings to 150 government workers and officials. I am not naming names at this time, because I can be hurt beyond what has happened to me now. I have also located a so-called “Christian Church” that likes to rape children, and they are associated with many children who disappear. How is a child raped in a church office for 10 years and nobody saw a thing???!!! And way was everything hidden from the American people and everyone locally?

32. I have found a “spiritual” leader associated with the above church who sends out emails blatantly denying the second coming of Jesus – He states the Second Coming of Jesus does not exist, and it will never happen. I vehemently deny this teaching!!! In contrast, I proclaim the Word of God, the Bible, and the fact that Jesus will come again in the bodily form of a human with His original soul that humanity experienced 2,000 years ago!

33. I drew up substantial information on this subject showing the fake “Christian” and his controlled opposition fake and fraudulent belief system. Most of his teaching are in line with all that I and many other Patriots believe, but like all good, controlled opposition, he takes a wrong turn at the end to try to fool everyone into Satanism, teaching them to jump over the cliff into an abyss like the demons Jesus casted into the pigs in the Bible!!! The material is just too much for me at this time. I must neglect saying all I desire to say on this subject now. Possibly, I will address it more later.

34. And just for the record, Paul James wanted me to go get health treatment from a man who deeply associates with most, if not all of the evil herein. I believe this man to be straight up hardcore Reptilian. I also had him sit next to me for four hours during along with Matt Cinquanta the child sex trafficker who is supposed to kill people who track him. They both sat next to me in a meeting where their friend, a guest speaker and a retried US Army Major who has training in repairing helicopters or engines of some kind, said publicly in relation to taking this country back, “We must act more like terrorists!” This retried army major is of average height, has dark short hair, has a medium-slim build, and has what I call a very, clean-cut GI Joe Look from the 1970’s. He dressed in business-casual, is well spoken and presents himself well. I believe he is affiliated with a church in Fresno, but he also aligns himself with the child sex trafficking church of Glad Tidings in Live, Oak, California near Yuba City, and down the road from the child pedophile camp winery that Google has operated for a decade or so. To allow any of these demonic entities to lay hands on me would be a sin before God. I denied the offer of Paul James to have Satan’s minions touch my body. Sorry folks, but I would rather die.

35. At the same meeting described in #33 above, several people seemed to stage an argument-confrontation in front of me to see if I would jump into the scene and act in a violent way. As with all of their fake bullshit, I sat back calmly and watched the nonsense play out. It was Eric Mallow and James Bradley. If I am misinterpreting it, so be it, but after the FBI’s fake HOA meeting three houses down from my home in another location, I can’t help but see bullshit everywhere I turn.

The FBI agent threw out the same crap at the beginning of the meeting where he tried to get the
audience all wound up on their so-called “rights” to keep farm animals on their land. This FBI agent was as Deep State as they come!!! I could see the defeat in his soul! I could see the hole in his soul! That hole was the place where he sold his heart on the open market for $5. Decades before this meeting!!! When I reminded him that his HOA meeting rights bs trivia was nothing compared to 50,000 dead from Directed Energy Weapons on the West Coast, he showed his mass casualty human sacrifice favor for Satan as he advised me that we all need to just give up if there are Directed Energy Weapons in play on any given day. The FBI agent would not even get on the mat with me!!! It was only my words that brought out his weakness in defeat. It reminds me of kindergarten when I the teacher would whisper in my ear, “Use your words…” The FBI agent, a man much taller and bigger than me evacuated the meeting upon its dismissal. His wife spoke to me for a few minutes until he became angry and frustrated at which time he waved her to the car so they could evacuate from the premises where the spirt of God was becoming seen by the people in the room.


David Aria,
Federal Whistleblower

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