if only i were a completely different person we could go to the olive garden

1 month ago

hold up, lemme grab my kerosene
gotta torch it before i can't handle it no more
go on a date n pretend that won't be our fate
so this guy smiled at me today, i had to look away
i took myself off the market awhile back
this is where i wanna stay no matter the phantom libido
there's always gonna be that societal pressure
measuring the % of said negative emotion is important in assessing what to do next
the older you get the lower your tolerance for things that piss you off or make you vomit
i hate spending time w/ other people, i have to gaslight myself into doing it
i wouldn't be anywhere near as free w/ an actual audience in front of me
liz phair, exile in guyville (1993)
so many songs i wish i had written
i'm amazed when relationships don't end in domestic violence
a closeness that's so short-lived it seems
not just cynicism but maybe an addiction to being alone
some of us are sitting on top of a billboard
i used to be way more bothered by this
i accept whatever society rejects about me
i wouldn't be able to do this if i didn't choose this mess
as if could ever clean up this mess anyway
what i give a fuck about takes precedence over my physical appearance
this is how we can fuck
listening to a song on repeat reminds me of making love
i'm get get gettin off in this other world
i can't explain this to a narcissist cos they're so conditioned
2% of the time i long for someone's arms around me n then i remember that it's God who is holding me n i wouldn't allow someone to do that anyway
ruminating over what i've been told i'm supposed to be
gender has been out for as long as i can remember
what the fuck amy, when do i not do that
we really gotta go to bed now
all that most people have are good intentions
you don't have to be a feminist to die alone
loneliness is way worse around other people for me
you gotta be very disciplined in order to be in a successful relationship n i don't see that level of discipline w/ many couples
EVERYBODY dies alone just like we're born
you scream upon being brought into this mf n go quietly on yer way out
life support is so sad
i wouldn't go to church or make anything if i didn't have any kinda hope
if God is inside of you then you already have the answer that you can provide for the world
this world ain't cool w/ insight don't chu know
i'm allowed to be overly confident in my "delusions" cos i'm a comedian damnit
don't chu wish you could have some of this over here (you can i promise, just trust the process n have faith that you will eventually find the answer w/in yourself)

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