Corruption 2024 Elections Funding Humanitarian Projects Trafficking Part 2 (25:22)

3 months ago

This is my Thanksgiving Message on a Day where I do not Celebrate Thanksgiving - (25:22)

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Patriots, Friends, Enemies (just in case), Family (just in case), and Dogs & Cats:

This is my Thanksgiving Message on a Day where I do not Celebrate Thanksgiving.
Honestly, up through the current time, I cannot keep track of who is my family, who is my enemy, where all my friends went. It is good to have some dogs and cats as friends and to leave my friends and family as variables in my reality.

I have no idea where to start here. I fell like the USS Pueblo Incident. The sailors were captured by Norther Korea in 1968 and tortured into oblivion. When they came back our own organization tried to destroy them. I must speak in vagueness here. Two of my friends were already suicided. So, I cannot point the finger at anyone. Those who were captured from the USS Pueblo I was reading about when I was just a boy. Their experience fascinating to me. I understand them more fully as an adult. I wish their real story would have someday been revealed, but I cannot find that story in the depths of their darkness. Their experience, unique to each one of them, is a despair I hope we can all share together to honor than along with all of the others who we have forgotten.

I wanted to take a moment because I realized I missed a beautiful person. Yes, I am still numb inside. I am scar tissue all the way through. I have been cooked until I am well done, but well done is not very well if you know what I mean. When I said that I had no feelings about my friend – honestly – I did not mean to insult her or anyone else. It is not her fault. I just feel how I feel. Feelings cannot be denied away, or we will all continue to live a shallow existence in dishonor of God.

I cannot control everything I feel. Some of my feelings are from electricity and burning activity. Also, a friend of mine told me I have sensory deprivation from so much isolation. I struggle with so many things that I never imagined I would struggle with
until now. I can’t go into the list because there are evil ones out there who could use it to try to “take me out.” Paul James even said if I speak the truth, they will cripple me. I can say that I have been gravely wounded as never before. But I am proud to still be going until I cannot go anymore.

A Commercial Break on Evil:
I located a brand new male victim who has been gravely wounded for life. An angel came to me and referred me to this young man. He was beaten into a pulp by police. Then he was placed into a psychiatric facility where he was raped into oblivion in the name of “medical treatment and health care.” I was able to escape with my life in a comparable situation. My uncle Mike Orchard, who is a medical doctor, has been brainwashed into thinking that I need a blood test and urine test to fix these problems of the demonic influence upon men who torture their fellow humans. I discovered an insider who knows about fake surgeries given to real patients without consent! Lastly, I found a court case where a woman was fired from Blue Shield in Michigan because she would not take the Covid “vaccine” which has been ruled by the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to be a medical device. She was awarded 12.7 million dollars. One of my key people informed me that there are numerous other similar cases just like this that were announced on mainstream media. Would we need a parallel system if every Fortune 500 Company was sued into oblivion to the point where it was crippling? Nobody is posing this question. I believe we need Jesus.

This subject to keep going helped me remember a beautiful person who is named Reinette Senum. Please be advised of my disclosure before I say anymore. Everything I say is from me. Nobody told me to say anything. Nobody aligned themselves with me. I am speaking from my own free will. Nobody said they agree or disagree with me. In the last email, I wrote a very long list of Patriots who did great things. It is a way to find a particle of light in the darkness of the darkest night. Additionally, since I cannot communicate much anymore, I still can write and make some videos. This helps me make it to the next day in my travels. Also, I want to say some positive things about each person I have worked with to help humanity a little bit. In my last communication, I missed Reinette Senum by mistake. I want Reinette to know I missed her because I have deep injuries of my memory and central nervous system. I cannot remember many things. Often I can forget something in a few minutes, and drop a glass of water for no reason.

I was reminded of Reinette Senum because I received a post from her Foghorn Express a few days ago. The post was about how our ballots are still being counted at the end of the month of November 2024. The story is listed below. It seems everything she writes is true. I honor that fact.

Backroom Deals and the Laws That Make It Possible
Counting ballots or cutting deals?

NOV 27

To Reinette’s story I want to add my own “conclusion” that the diabolical evil and immmorality is so deep, so wide, so grim, so depraved, so pervasive, and so Satanic that such a system cannot be “fixed.” How do we “repair” Satan? Seriously, how do we repair Satan. This is the mantra we need to be chanting into our collective consciousness. How do we put together the dead bodies of children??? This is no longer a Humpty Dumpty childhood we are in!!!! We have no king to put it back together again. Maybe it is a lion we need instead? Once we have tainted everything with not only the blood of children, but the DNA of Satan, we need to evacuate to higher moral ground. Attempting to fix and patch up Satan’s DNA, and gather the body parts of children to “put them all back together again….” I have a problem with that too. More on that statement latter, and more on President Trump’s faulty numbers of 325,000 children that go missing each year,” etc. that he announced about two weeks ago in, I believe, Madison Square Garden in New York. Keep the planet open to see that Jesus is far above President Trump as even he believes.

My wife viewed a crime scene for about one minute. Her face went swollen shut like someone hit her with a knockout punch!!! The toxic venom spewed by Satan’s photos alone are enough to scar tissue many people forevermore!!! In another scene, some friends of mine lasted for about five minutes before they evacuated the photos of the crime scenes of children. They said, “We cannot take anymore.” I thought I would try a macho guy who led police on a vehicle pursuit when he was but a teen. I thought for sure he could withstand the evil saturating us into a red blood darkness. He looked at the crime scene for about 15 seconds before he had to evacuate what he was seeing. This mass casualty list is forever long. I have seen it probably 100,000 times as strong as all the people I mention here. This alone took me into the PTSD zone where my brother Ron denied everything and evacuated himself. He declared all the blood to be fake and said Kevin Kiley will save us (by the election fraud grin on his face! It is there were we need to hit the brakes and see the difference between God’s Amazing Grace and the fake amazing grace of Kevin Kiley’s dirty grin with a wink and a nod full of sin!!! Please, people, please, take notice of the capital letters and the small letters on “Amazing Grace!” The Bible is clear about the Amazing Grace that comes from God and Jesus the Son! The Bible is also clear on the fake amazing grace that comes from the pits of Hell!!!) That was my last communication to Ron Aria on the subject matter. From all I know, his soul has been left in the hands of the depraved Kevin Kiley!!! He has since popped his head in and agreed with many that I will do great things, but I still have not been able to see those things out clearly.
To be clear, an expert tested me. He is an expert on helping “Super Soldiers” of the US Military. Not only have I seen 100,000 times more crime scenes than the average macho man can stand, but I have been pumped full of radiation. I feel like I am touching a light socket 24/7. This appears to be the same radiation that killed the Russian spy in England. Angles have helped keep me alive; however, I still do not know how I will survive.

Eary this morning I woke up to an event that freaked me out as I have never been freaked out in my life. I wish I could share it; however, it may not be a good time to talk about it. I was shocked into a new place. All I can say is that when something like this happens only once in my lifetime, it is beyond words and beyond significant.

When I speak out against Child Sex Trafficking, and say all I have said, here is how I manage it in my head: I think about Stephen in the Book of Acts before they stoned him into Heaven.

Acts 6:12-14

12 So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. 13 They produced false witnesses, who testified, “This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law. 14 For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us.”
15 All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.

Acts 7: 54-59

Stephen went off on the leaders of his time just like Jesus did during His ministry. I feel like Stephen is acting just as Jesus did. But they stone him to death.
The Stoning of Stephen
54 When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. 55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”
57 At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, 58 dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul.
59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.

If I am tossed from the top of a building like my suicided friend, may I pray to God with an intensity as I have never known in my lifetime!!! May my voice run dry before I hit the ground!!!!

This thought helps me get through the day. This is my prayer to God for now, between all my prayers of distress.

Again, do we patch this up with the Band-Aids of a few new tough laws??? Do we count the votes more accurately?

Honestly, if I were reading this and not living it out, I would put out a call for Jesus, but since I am in the narrative, I am not so sure that Jesus is the cure anymore, because the numbness has me all over the floor!

Not only am I numb and scar tissue all the way through – I am not sure if the scar tissue soul can be reversed. With that said, I have no idea what the future brings for me. In such a case of me not knowing what is next, I want to make sure to try to say something good about all of those who put themselves out there to “fight the good fight” for the good of mankind. Whatever happens next, in case I cannot speak, it is best for me to get my words out now. I want to leave goodness behind me so that nobody can say I did anything evil. I hope this will help us a little bit on our journey.

When I say “fight” I mean peacefully. A government official announced to me that “peaceful” means violence in a document I was served. With that said, I am confused on what peaceful really means. The same holds true for lawful. The unnamed government official served me with a document saying that “lawful” means “unlawful.” I want to add the words “good and positive” to “peaceful and lawful” to see if they will help the English language achieve a more accurate meaning.

Here are the Things I remember in Reinette Senum:
1. I met her for the first time at Grace Kajimura’s Barn Underground event.

2. I could not put Reinette into any box. Her soul clearly would not fit. I discovered this within only about five sentences! For this I knew she was a bit like me, but I had to question her to see what I could see.

3. I loved how she spoke about the Seventh Generation Sustainability Model of the American Indians. I wished I can remember everything, but intuitively I already know – Reinette was helping me to “articulate it.” The Directed Energy Weapons erased much of my articulation of this. The key point here is that Reinette was speaking more deeply that the other 99% of society on matters we all needed desperately to hear. I am grateful for that. If Jesus were here, He would be proud of her.

4. When Covid first hit, Reinette was one of the first of God’s children who stood up and asked God and everyone all of the wrong questions on her list of “things you are not allowed to ask.” She had her finger on the pulse of everything beyond space and time when it came to Covid. She reacted first before so many others. Amen for Reinette Senum on all of this.

5. Reinette also shared about a snow trip she was on with many dogs or something like that. I hope I am not confusing Reinette with the next person. I do remember how she traveled across the snow for many miles, and how she spoke to herself during those difficult times which kept her moving forward to the finish line. I hope Reinette will share that story more so others can learn about this inner dialogue – this dialog many of us must have at some point in our lives.

Without it, we may die. (Everything is peaceful and lawful and with good intention).
6. I remembers something Reinette said about community and how we used to have town squares everywhere. The people would meet and have events in the town squares across the nation. The town squares were erased by nefarious measures to keep us all separated and to keep us from communicating effectively.

7. There are many things Reinette could incorporate into the New Heaven and New Earth if it ever takes birth.

8. I spoke to Reinette at the back of the room because I wanted to ask her about the Second Amendment and if she believed in self-defense (lawful of course). I will not give the answer, of course, because I do believe lawful self-defense is lawful now. I will say that I had incredibly positive feelings about Reinette after my conversation.

9. I remember how Reinette put together a bus tour across some areas of California. It seemed to me to be a good idea – a way people could get to know each other organically.

10. Reinette put together a movement and cause of action on chemtrails. She is not afraid to take on the issues that are not so popular now. And for Reinette and everyone else, an acquaintance of mine met a man in Lincoln, CA who worked for the Canadian Military. He was up at Beale AFB by Marysville, CA. He told my acquaintance that he is working on airplanes out of Beale AFB “because the US is overpopulated.” The acquaintance immediately was creeped out by the thought of a foreign military man working on US soil doing something to airplanes “because the US is overpopulated.” Let that sink in while your heart skips a few beats. This means Reinette is on the right track. I want you people to see the rail in the snow, the Covid when it broke, the snow trails in the sky…Reinette is a tracker of evil for you and “I!”

11. I have skimmed Reinette’s Substack page many times. It appears that all she states is true. I will leave it at that.

Now, on to the next subject. I want to keep this really simple. I have wrestled with this and grappled with it for a few days now.

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