Daniel 11: The Mighty King and the Rise of the Little Horn

3 months ago

Recorded November 27, 2024

In this week's Wednesday night Bible study, Tom Stapleton continues forward in Daniel 11. He begins by addressing a common question, especially on the heels of last week's study that revealed the mighty king as being Donald Trump. Why doesn’t the historical application of the mighty king as Alexander the Great fit all of the specifications of the prophecy?

From there, he continues through to verse 20. Here, you will discover how the little horn uproots three kingdoms (verses 17, 19, and 20). Recall that it was revealed in Daniel 7:8, 20, and 24 that the little horn would uproot three kingdoms.

Other parallels between Daniel's prophecies are reviewed.
Join us to gain new insights into the unfolding of biblical prophecy and its relevance to end-time events as you see that Daniel 7, 8, and 11 are all telling the same story, with more details revealed with each telling.

#BibleProphecy #Daniel11 #AlexanderTheGreat #LittleHorn #PropheticInterpretation #EndTimes #TomStapleton #BiblicalProphecy #DanielAndRevelation #KingdomsUprooted #ProphecyDecoded #MightyKing #EndTimeTeaching #ChristianEducation

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