The UFO File Wars

3 months ago

In this groundbreaking presentation, Dark Journalist reveals how a covert aerospace group overseeing UFO secrecy and a Secret Space Program, which he refers to as X-Protect, has been involved in suppressing the truth about exotic technology. He discusses how materials from crash retrieval programs include a highly unstable Apotheum effect that creates a Reality Distortion Field, similar to what UFO contactees have described, including phenomena like time displacement and dematerialization.
He also connects the dots between the clash of X-Protect and X-Share, another group studying the Apotheum effects of UFO crash retrieval technology. X-Share aims to break through the secrecy enforced by the X-Protect group, with members including scientists Thomas Townsend Brown and Professor John Trump. DJ discloses that Professor Trump was a protégé of MJ12 leader Vannevar Bush, who tasked him with examining the inventor Nikola Tesla's papers on the "Death Ray."
A terrifying process has unfolded over the decades, involving the control and even assassination of presidents who challenged X-Protect's authority over the UFO File. President Kennedy's assassination in 1963 was purportedly a direct result of his challenge to the X-Protect group and his efforts to bring the control of exotic technology back under the executive branch's jurisdiction.

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