Pub Wisdom - 016 With Dan the Journalist Part 1

2 months ago

Pub Wisdom 016 with Dan the Journalist Part 2
We're getting better, Things are getting so expensive, Increased costs without increased pay and taxed in all directions, Military industrial complex vs the Pharmaceutical industry, Government corruption, .Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”
― George Orwell, 1984, Bread and Circuses, Constant Distractions, Conspiracy or Human Nature, George Carlin the Socrates of our time, Comedic Genius, Dan's fender bender, Christmas is encroaching into everything, Daylight savings time, Human life or jobs from war?, Average person cannot afford an average home, Fear controls us and urban legends,

Pub Wisdom is a podcast about all things interesting with interesting people and a few adult beverages involved.

Host: Jason Kiley
CoHost: Dan the Journalist (Irregular Regular)
CoHost: Johnny Pat the HVAC Guy (Irregular Regular)

Music bits From:
Bring Us Pints of Beer · Korpiklaani
Valhalla Calling - Miracle of Sound
Hammered - Hair of the Dog
Beer Beer - Korpiklaani
Man with a Plan - Korpiklaani
Have a Drink on Me - AC/DC
The Tale of Cu Chulainn - Miracle of Sound
I love this Bar - Sammy Hagar
Vodka - Korpiklaani
Shall we take a turn - Korpiklaani
Jaegermeister - Korpiklaani


YouTube: @jtkstudios4168


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