Trump picks GOP all stars, left chooses icepicks | TheSES ep.3

3 months ago

This episode we go over trumps picks for his administration and other stories from this week.

Note: The video quality had been set to record at a lower resolution than what it was intended to be filmed at. This issue has been noticed and video resolution will be higher in future episodes including tomorrow's.
Totally just going to "borrow" this little blurb.

This video includes information, descriptions, video, and images meant to give important context to viewers. By including this context, the overlaid commentary, criticism, and analysis is able to serve the public's interest in the discussed subject matter. Pairing the appropriate context with the included commentary allows the video to: (i) educate viewers; and (ii) document newsworthy events or other matters of public interest. To the greatest extent possible, the included commentary is intended to: (a) accurately identify the involved parties; (b) describe the subject matter in detail; (c) clearly articulate condemnation and criticism of the subject behavior while including an opposing view; and (d) to discourage viewers from engaging in the subject behavior.

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