4 months ago

Welcome to 1000 Angels
Firstly A BIG THANK YOU for taking the time to read and also for your initial interest.
1000 Angels first launched, on July 1st, 2022 with the intention of exposing to the public the very real and present
danger as a result of these jabs, the sickness, deaths/murders, the betrayal and to push to the surface of the
conscious mind a topic that was none existent. It is the Achilles heel of the machine that faces us all!
The first edition of stickers called THE DECEASED established back in June 2021 launched the concept of taking
death to the laps of the public in ways never imagined. Sudden deaths were being hidden and so shock therapy is
It is only a failure of humanity to let these murders go unaccounted for and it is in the name of god and good, what is
pure and what is right that we drive this message home to the good people of this country.
It is our duty and it is the strongest most powerful home-hitting message that constantly grows at an astonishing rate
in number. It must be kept alive and the victims memories must be kept alive for there to be justice. There are
children, many not reaching age 10. Young adults, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. This is NOT BRITISH.
We are better than this! We are stronger than this!
It is only the conditions and thoughts of acceptance via emotional ignorance that blind the way. But that doesn’t mean
it’s not possible. The jabbed lined up to save each other and unfortunately, they were wronged. It is not their fault to of
trusted all they had ever trusted during a time of mass panic and manipulation of both sides of the opinion poll.
Our Soul Goal…

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