GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS 🤫 Discern who creative ideas should be shared with/where energy is leaking🪫🧿

1 month ago

Filmed on 11/11, working with 11:11 energy
Authenticity, Creativity
Number 7 is relevant, could be seeing 77 or 777. Can speak to being in a deep state of reflection.
Perseverance, resolve
Being discerning with projects, protect your creative output
'things are changing', leaking energy/energy leaks, creative process

Hello 👋🏽 and welcome to UNRAVEL. this is a space where we explore contemplations and reflections around unravelling from mind (aka ego), integrating the shadow and cultivating deeper self-awareness, through the lens of tarot, somatics & self-enquiry.

thank you for joining me on this journey of unravelling 🙏🏼


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