Ebike Fishing for FAT LARGEMOUTH BASS (Illinois Canal Trip)

2 months ago

Fishing as the weather starts to cool is hit or miss. Some days it threatens you constantly - the sky flirts with opening up, lightning hides behind the clouds and thunder tiptoes around making subtle "I think it's still pretty far off" rumbles... waiting to sneak up RIGHT behind you for a quality scare.

But on windy, cool afternoons (like the one in this video), the largemouth bass can also turn on, the breeze can be enjoyed if you're able to surround yourself with a wall of trees that knock it back a bit, and fishing along canals after a 10-mile bike ride can be amazing.

Today was amazing.

In this video I'll show you some of the tools I use to cover more ground, and a super-simple (minimalist) rig I like to fish that allows me to present the largemouth bass with a bulky finesse offering (you read that correctly) while maintaining enough torque & leverage to lift HEAVY FISH up onto the bank!

Check out my BASE BOXES here: https://theminimalistfisherman.com/

We're talking hand-to-hand combat. GET SOME!

Tight Lines & Godspeed, Patriots.

00:00 - [ Ebike Fishing for FAT LARGEMOUTH BASS ]
00:20 - [ 1. Check Out the Rattan Quercus Ebike ]
01:19 - [ 2. Travel to Spot 1 ]
03:18 - [ 3. FAT BASS! ]
04:33 - [ 4. Another Bass FAST ]
10:00 - [ 5. DUMB Bass Bites TWICE?! ]
12:26 - [ 6. Pike or Muskie?? (or... pickerel??) ]
13:23 - [ 7. Summary of the Day ]

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