3 months ago

as men it is our responsibility in our duty to spread a strong message of hope. we should always teach our young to be strong. we should always give back to our community as strong men. but most of all we should have a community together as strong men and stick together. we should always be able to rely on one another for a positive,, motivating and strong message. As Leaders of our own communities we should always be willing to teach young men what it means to be a strong man for his family for his wife for his children and for the community. these are the concepts that I think we have lost as men and we need to reclaim them. for too long now our government has been teaching us that it is better to be dormant weak and feeble-minded. now it's a new time with our new president and a new message of peace through strength and Hope through love. thank you gentlemen and I appreciate each and every one of y'all and if you want to support the channel any further and I hope you do go over to our patreon and become a member the link will be below all memberships help to grow projects on the channel and help the channel to grow with camera gear Etc thank you and happy holidays to each and everyone of you God bless

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