⚖️DTTV 228⚖️| Justin Trudeau Dancing While Montreal Burns is a Symptom of Loss of the Rule of Law

4 days ago

This past week in Canada we’ve had yet more examples of what happens when the law isn’t applied equally and the Rule of Law starts breaking down as a result so we’ll have a little chat about those on this week’s episode of Don’t Talk TV.

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👉🏻 Link | A – https://bit.ly/3OtmkRj

👉🏻 Episode | 027 – https://youtu.be/iPCwTDE-X-8?si=R9PHvNXpM93wTY24

👉🏻 Episode | 072 – https://youtu.be/UyLI6IFA9Vk?si=fwcMrz94AeUPp1Y_

👉🏻 Episode | 160 – https://youtu.be/TR4_smT40A8?si=b5zHP3IhJ6enzupZ

👉🏻 Episode | 187 – https://youtu.be/gnGE7fYRbqE?si=giBjCD9tkJxlpsFq

👉🏻 DTTV in OTTAWA – https://bit.ly/418b04D

👉🏻 DTTV Emergencies Act Statement https://youtu.be/vd5jTX6b1YM?si=fBNeQIfVktSbLPKN


Thumbnail – https://www.midjourney.com/home?callbackUrl=%2Fexplore
Intro Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels & Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special 🙏🏻 to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://linktr.ee/ramdesigngroupinc) for his public relations, communications, and media relations services.

#JustinTrudeau #TaylorSwift #Montreal #Toronto #Canada

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