Eat a Bowl of Tea

3 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

- George Orwell

In today's globalized world, the role of news agencies in shaping public opinion and disseminating information has never been more crucial. However, the trustworthiness of these news agencies has increasingly come under scrutiny, with bias and propaganda becoming more open and widespread.

One of the key principles in determining the authenticity of information is the source from which it comes. Individuals who have nothing to gain, from sharing data, are often the most reliable sources. Which is why the availability of news, from other countries is a good tool for discerning the truth.

In today's digital age, individuals have unprecedented access to news and information from around the world. This diversity of sources can help to counteract the biases and agendas present in domestic news agencies, providing a more well-rounded view of events and issues.

Unfortunately, it has become clear that Western Europe, which has implemented an open borders policy, has betrayed its sovereignty and its people. By presenting these policies as acts of compassion and tolerance, political leaders have sold this idea to their citizens.

It also raises questions about the role of news organizations in collaborating with the political class, helping to shape public perceptions of immigration policies and the motivations behind them.

Politicians are skilled manipulators who use words to deceive and manipulate the public. The role of news agencies is to hold politicians accountable and provide objective analysis of their actions. If news agencies are complicit in the spread of false information or propaganda, they allow politicians to escape scrutiny and accountability.

The differences in treatment between foreigners and citizens; with the circumstances surrounding mass immigration; have revealed the evil intentions of the political class and the media. By selectively reporting and leaving out essential information, news agencies have kept people in the dark and have been able to influence public opinion and political decisions.

Laws were passed to suppress information and prevent the exposure of crimes committed by foreigners. Censorship and bureaucratic control, would not have been established, if the media had not helped shape public perception.

It became clear that there was an underlying agenda at play, as the political class created an environment to destroy their nation. Whenever a goal involves the elimination of national identity; the change is so radical - that those involved - find the existing system unacceptable.

The tactic used to achieve this radical transformation, is the facilitation of chaos and destruction by foreign entities. This chaos opens the door to the transition from a free society to a police state. By destabilizing the current system, the justification for the excessive use of force, to deal with foreign entities; ends up being the catalyst where insurgents seize control and and reshape the nation.

Fortunately, with modern technology, people are no longer limited to traditional news agencies for information. "Citizen journalists" had taken up the charge of spreading information about what occurred. This grassroots effort helped to counteract the manipulation and misinformation spread by mainstream media sources and in doing so in many countries today.

Currently, the United Kingdom (UK) still faces many assaults and the nation is continuously being destroyed from within. The misuse of national resources, is one of the contributing factors that brought the Roman Empire to its knees.

Furthermore, the UK faces global conflicts with nations aligned with the BRICS group. The dutiful media often hides or manipulates the truth, leaving many citizens unaware of the true state of affairs. This lack of awareness allows for nefarious agendas to be further pushed through without massive opposition.

The UK isn't the only nation facing difficulties. The global outbreak has plunged the world into chaos, while shielding the elite from the worst consequences. In times of crisis, attention often turns inward but those who value freedom, liberty and human life must consider aiding those in the UK.

One way to help is to raise awareness of the country's problems. The most effective way to do this, is to support individuals, organizations, and platforms, that are doing the work that the mainstream media should be doing. It is through this grassroots effort that the failures of the mainstream media can be challenged and the true picture revealed.

The way in which to support those who are championing what's right, is by following online groups and liking their material. By engaging with their content, you are showing your support for their cause and helping to amplify their message. Sharing their material with others, also helps to increase their reach and impact, as more people become aware of the important work they are doing.

Even though you might not be in the United Kingdom yourself, online success isn't limited to being regional, and their success helps gravitate what they do towards their location. In today's digital age, social media and online platforms have the power to connect people from all corners of the globe. By supporting individuals and organizations online, you can contribute to their success and help them reach a wider audience.

For all those who are Christian, praying hard that people would be aware of what's going on, is another way to help those that live in that nation. Prayer is a powerful tool to bring about positive change and raise awareness about important issues. By lifting up those in that area, you can show your solidarity with these souls and ask for divine intervention in their circumstances.

There is a lot of talk about the apocalypse and for good reason. The link below shows why those in the UK need to be aware of the situation. The "Supplement Material" section also lists resources for reliable, alternative news sources.

By praying and passing the information forward to as many people as you can, this will help spread knowledge to those that need to know. The power of information-sharing cannot be underestimated in the digital age. By sharing important news and resources with your network, you can help to educate others and inspire them to take action on critical issues.

Another thing to keep in mind...moving from one part of the country to another is one thing but moving to another country is a completely different thing. The bonds and ties between individuals and communities can be deeply rooted, making it difficult to start over in a foreign country. Ties are not easy to cut. The link below shows the power itself.

We need to do the most good we can, with whatever time exists, for humanity. God judges our actions, not our success. Ultimately, our actions speak louder than words and it is important to prioritize doing good for others and the world around us. By supporting those who are championing what's right, we can contribute to a more just and equitable society for all.

For those who find value in this channel and wish to contribute positively, the most meaningful way to do so, is through prayer. The upliftment of prayers for this channel, is undoubtedly the greatest gift one can bestow.

Given the various bureaucrats and their operatives, that support the Woke movement; I will not reveal my identity. However, you can always pray for "the individual running the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know your intentions.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration!

Post Scriptum: In the section labeled "Supplemental Material:" located just below the video post date, view count and provided tags; there is valuable content worth exploring, especially on this channel. This section often contains a wealth of additional information and resources.

You may find it beneficial to peruse this section to gain further insights. The reason for the detailed explanation is to address the varied terminology used by different individuals, which can sometimes make it challenging to locate the desired content.

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Help rekt the system of ctrl and abuse by the ieleet

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