Sagittarius New Moon Dec 1 ’24 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequencies

1 month ago
32 This Sagittarius New Moon, ruled by Jupiter Rx, is simultaneously reviewing and reassessing matters related to justice, education, and broadcasting, while also establishing a new cycle of adventure and “sky’s the limit” attitude. A t-square from Saturn in the 6th demands accountability from those who chose to subvert justice, truth, and integrity in the fields mentioned previously plus the healthcare “industry”. Meanwhile, Pluto and Sedna are guiding this planetary “ship” and the collective’s era shift into the golden age of Reason, Reverence for life, Responsibility for self-awareness and soul growth and, above all, health and wealth for all sentient beings.

Planetary Frequencies: 10:37

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Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/Moon/Jupiter - Sag New Moon
Sun/Moon/Mars - trine
Sun/Moon/Saturn - square
Sun/Jupiter/Saturn - t-squre
Mercury/Jupiter/Chiron - opp/trine
Venus/Uranus/Neptune - trine/sextile
SN (Venus)/Mars/Pluto - sextile/trine
Jupiter/Saturn/Chiron - square/sextile
Uranus/Sedna/ASC (Mercury) - con./trine
Uranus/Sedna/ASC (Chiron) - conj./trine
Neptune/Pluto/Sedna - sextiles
Pluto/Sedna/NN(Mars) - trine/sextile

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